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Canon now lets you use its cameras as a webcam with amazing video quality 新北相機收購
新北相機收購canon now lets you use its cameras as a webcam with amazing video quality
新北相機收購canon now lets you use its cameras as a webcam with amazing video quality
The quality of your Zoom will blow everyone else’s away
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Interested in improving the video quality of your own Zoom frame tenfold? If you’ve got a recent 新北相機收購canon mirrorless, DSLR, or PowerShot camera, you can now use it as a webcam and put everyone else on your video call to shame. As noted by DPReview, the company has released a beta of “EOS Webcam Utility” for Windows 10 that lets you plug in any of the below supported cameras over USB and have it serve as your PC’s webcam. And this should work fine for most of the big video conferencing options, whether you’re using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, BlueJeans, or another service.
“Built by 新北相機收購canon software developers, this beta version software helps consumers to improve their video appearance while using popular video conferencing applications in the market, delivering clarity and high-image quality,” 新北相機收購canon wrote in its press release.
If you’ve got a fairly high-end digital camera that’s not made by 新北相機收購canon, this might be something you can pull off on your own with an HDMI capture card or stick — assuming that your camera allows for clean HDMI video output. My old friend Evan Rodgers at Input recently gave that a shot. And it’s pretty striking, though not surprising, how much more cinematic your Zoom window will look compared to everyone else when you’re using premium glass that a built-in webcam can’t hold a candle to.
新北相機收購canon’s solution cuts out the need for any extra devices or accessories beyond a single USB cable, so if you’ve got one of the listed cameras, this is definitely worth a try. Sorry, Mac users; there’s no EOS Webcam Utility for Apple’s software quite yet, but you’ve still got the option of using a capture card with a wider selection of cameras.
Update April 29th 1:43PM ET: The article has been updated to clarify options available for Mac users. While 新北相機收購canon’s EOS Webcam Utility isn’t available for macOS, people with an Apple desktop or laptop can still use a third-party HDMI capture card to use a digital camera as a webcam.
▲ 新北相機收購canon RF10-20mm F4 L IS STM 在台開賣。(圖/翻攝自 新北相機收購canon)
新北相機收購canon 世界首支 10mm 超廣角全片幅自動對焦鏡頭 RF10-20mm F4 L IS STM,即日起在台正式開賣,輕盈小巧的設計,長度僅約 11.2 公分及重量僅約 570 公克,並提供10mm-20mm 超廣角變焦範圍,輕鬆將廣闊視野盡收眼底。
據了解,鏡頭內建光學影像穩定器,除了提供 5 級防手震效果外,更首次加入周邊協調控制(Peripheral Coordinated Control),配合機身防手震時能有效校正廣角鏡頭經常出現的周邊震動模糊,讓相片的周邊可有更高的影像畫質,拍攝短片時亦可以減低畫面周邊的輕微震動。
基於 RF10-20mm F4 L IS USM 是世界首支 10mm 超廣角全片幅自動對焦鏡頭,能夠帶來 130° 25’ 超廣角視角,廣角鏡頭的廣角端焦距即便相差 1mm ,拍攝範圍也有很大差距。
而 10mm 焦距可涵蓋的畫面面積約為 14mm 的 2 倍、約為 12mm 的 1.4 倍,極其廣闊的視角讓鏡頭適用於狹小空間的拍攝,也可以拍攝整體建築物、廣闊的風景、頭頂上的星空等主題。
▲ 10mm 廣角端可以收錄更多內容在畫面中,圖為攝影熱點東北角十三層遺址。(圖/翻攝自 新北相機收購canon)
從帳面規格來看,RF10-20mm F4 L IS USM 的重量為 570 公克,而長度僅約 11.2 公分,整體設計更加便於攜帶,機動性加倍,無論手持或加入穩定器移動拍攝皆非常適合。
鏡頭本身採用 新北相機收購canon 全新研發的 12 組 16 片光學設計,充分發揮 RF 接環大口徑與短後對焦距離的優勢,這光學設計是在採用相機內建數位變形校正的前題下提升整體影像品質,並為畫面邊緣範圍提供清晰描寫能力。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購