Canon 新北相機收購,二手收購,收購相機,全新相機,二手相機 收購5D Mark IV,收購EOS-1D X Mark II,收購EOS M3/M10 收購canon canon 5Ds/5Ds R,,5D Mark III/6D II,7D Mark II 70D/80D,750D/760D,700D/100D 收購FUJIFILM 相機,全系列FUJIFILM 收購二手Nikon 相機,Nikon二手收購,全新Nikong買賣 D3400收購 Nikon 1 j5收購 D750 Df/D810/D610,D5/D4S,D500,D7200/D7500,D5500/D5300 OLYM
標籤: 新北相機收購
單眼相機平均價格五年狂飆 2 倍!平價款已被手機取代? 新北相機收購
新北相機收購canon EOS M 系列也在近期宣布終結。(圖片來源/新北相機收購canon 提供)
相機未來只有中高階款可以買?根據《Newswitch》釋出最新圖表顯示,從 2019 以來,數位相機出貨量大砍三分之二,平均售價卻是狂飆 2 倍,各大品牌正在全力專攻高階用戶。
從《Newswitch》發布的圖表可以看到,2019 年全球數位相機出貨量仍有約 1500 萬台,到了今年一至九月卻僅剩不到 500 萬台,數量只剩下三分之一。產品的平均價格也從約 4 萬日圓(約 8,479 元),翻倍漲至 9 萬日圓(約19,081 元)。
《Newswitch》表示,為了強化中國市場並且在歐美、日本等地獲得復甦,各大品牌主打各種高單價的機型,像是 Nikon Z8 被點名有相當高的詢問度,單機身在台灣售價高達 122,500 元。各品牌也正在瞄準疫情後的旅遊復甦潮,積極地推廣產品。此外,為了迎接 2024 年的巴黎奧運,Sony 也在近期發表主打高速連拍的 α9 III,預計 新北相機收購canon、Nikon 也將推出對應運動攝影的機款,屆時又會是一場高階相機之間的比拚。
事實上,各大相機品牌已逐漸靠攏專業用戶,主打隨拍的類單眼面臨智慧手機的挑戰,新北相機收購canon、Sony、Nikon、Panasonic 均在 2019 年後,就已經不再有相關產品發表,轉戰可替換鏡頭的無反單眼相機,或是專門用於錄影的 Vlog 設備。
目前以類單眼的隨拍相機來說,仍是以富士的 X100 系列以及 RICOH 的 GR 最為著名,然而要價都是三、四萬元以上,面向的消費者已經與以往大不相同。
(圖/翻攝 Nikon)
相機界傳出大消息!今日(7)下午日本相機大廠 Nikon 正式發出消息,正式收購美國電影攝影機公司 RED,其將成為 Nikon 全額投資的子公司。
Nikon 表示,本次收購案是雙方共同的意願,且也能滿足客戶的要求,RED 能透過 Nikon 的光學、產品開發技術,開拓出不同的電影攝影機,至於 Nikon 則是能加速擴大在專業數位電影攝影機的市場,主要對手如 Sony、新北相機收購canon 均有電影級的產品線,而未來 Nikon 將有更多本錢競爭。
有趣的是,Nikon 與 RED 在 2022 年才剛因為專利糾紛鬧上法庭,當時 Nikon 曾因為一項替旗艦相機 Z9 推出的影片壓縮技術,而被 RED 控告侵權,最後花了一年的時間,專利訴訟才被駁回。昔日曾經對簿公堂,如今卻成為一家人,情勢發展這般發展也讓人大吃一驚。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
Canon EOS RP 單機身 公司貨 新北相機收購
(圖/翻攝 Nikon)
相機界傳出大消息!今日(7)下午日本相機大廠 Nikon 正式發出消息,正式收購美國電影攝影機公司 RED,其將成為 Nikon 全額投資的子公司。
Nikon 表示,本次收購案是雙方共同的意願,且也能滿足客戶的要求,RED 能透過 Nikon 的光學、產品開發技術,開拓出不同的電影攝影機,至於 Nikon 則是能加速擴大在專業數位電影攝影機的市場,主要對手如 Sony、新北相機收購canon 均有電影級的產品線,而未來 Nikon 將有更多本錢競爭。
有趣的是,Nikon 與 RED 在 2022 年才剛因為專利糾紛鬧上法庭,當時 Nikon 曾因為一項替旗艦相機 Z9 推出的影片壓縮技術,而被 RED 控告侵權,最後花了一年的時間,專利訴訟才被駁回。昔日曾經對簿公堂,如今卻成為一家人,情勢發展這般發展也讓人大吃一驚。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
《時代雜誌》評選年度「創新 3C 產品」! Nokia 手機、Sony 相機入選 新北相機收購
《時代雜誌》公布 2023 年度的 200 大創新發明,於消費電子產品的獎項之中,Sony 一口氣有 2 款相機入榜,經典手機品牌 Nokia 則藉由入門手機得獎。
Nokia 以 G22 這款手機入圍!僅管本身規格屬於入門產品,卻主打簡單好上手的維修設計,只需要一支螺絲起子,用戶就能在五分鐘內,自行更換螢幕、充電孔、電池,是一款以環保、簡單維修為訴求的產品。三星 Galaxy Z Flip 5 則是另一款入榜智慧手機,擁有 3.4 吋的大螢幕,可以讓用戶隨時注意重要通知,而無需開啟 App,避免了手機成癮的問題。
Sony 則以 Alpha 7R V、Sony FX3 兩款相機入榜!前者的 AI 處理單元讓相機擁有聰明的自動對焦辨識,可以辨識物體行動的方向,而且還包含鳥類、昆蟲、交通工具。FX3 則是最佳的入門電影機,且具有極高的 ISO,即便是夜間也能拍出優異的作品。
然而,今年被視為最強大的相機產品是 新北相機收購canon 的 MS-500!這是一款販售給政府單位的監視相機,僅管只採用 1 吋感光元件、只有 320 萬畫素,卻有名為「光子計數」的黑科技,能在夜間用長焦鏡頭捕捉非常清晰的畫面。
其他入選產品還包含,蘋果 Apple Watch Ultra 2 智慧手錶是今年最創新的智慧穿戴,Sonos Era 300 則獲得最佳空間音訊的殊榮。LG Signature OLED M 97 吋電視則以只需一條電線的簡約設計獲得肯定。
200 大創新發明完整名單可參考《時代雜誌》網站。
Sony 今日(17)在台上市全片幅無反單眼相機 α9 III,搭載業界首款「全域快門」全片幅感光元件,締造高達 120fps 高速連拍,並且拍出無變形、無黑屏的照片。
α9 III 採用內建額外記憶體的 2460 萬畫素全片幅感光元件,具備機身 8.0 級 5 軸光學影像穩定系統,能拍攝 4K 120p 無裁切影片,瞄準專業攝影師,尤其是考驗高速連拍的運動、生態攝影領域。最大亮點是全域快門,以往只出現於 1 吋以下的隨身相機,或是不講究畫質的工業相機,α9 III 為第一款把該規格引入全片幅感光元件的單眼相機,得以兼顧高速連拍與高畫質。
全域快門的差異是什麼呢?Sony 亞太區技術產品經理藤本祐介解釋,有別於傳統滾動式快門由上至下讀取像素,照片與照片存在一定的等待時間,全域快門能一次同時讀取所有像素,能夠避免以前高速連拍常見的果凍效益、黑屏畫面。
α9 III 實拍。全域快門一次讀取所有像素,因此能避免果凍效益,高速揮動的球桿不會因為逐行掃描而出現變形、歪斜。(圖/記者黃肇祥攝)
α9 III 搭配支援閃光燈,能以 1/80000 秒的速度與閃光燈同步拍攝,更輕易捕捉每一瞬間的畫面。(圖/記者黃肇祥攝)
之所以能達成全域快門,Sony 依靠的是新一代 Bionz XR 影像處理器,在 120fps 連拍之中能確保每一張都有自動對焦與自動曝光,並且搭配覆蓋率 95.6%、多達 759 個相位式自動偵測對焦點,以及 AI 處理元件能持續鎖定拍攝的主題的型態、動作以及眼部對焦,不會因為其他物體忽然穿插於前景而改變焦點。
Sony 這次在 α9 III 首度帶來兩項輔助功能,首先是「預拍功能」,可以藉由感光元件的暫存記憶體,在釋放快門前 1 秒提早開始捕捉畫面,減少錯失精采畫面的遺憾。此外,還有能藉由自訂按鍵瞬間啟用的「連拍加速功能」,可暫時提高拍攝速度,省去手動調整參數的步驟。
Sony α9 III 預計於 1 月 19 日在台開賣,售價為 184,980 元,搭配的垂直拍攝手把 VG-C5 售價是 12,980 元。同日登場的還有 EF 300m F2.8 GM OSS 望遠大光圈鏡頭,有同級最輕巧的 1,470g 鏡身,售價 194,980 元,從今日起開放訂購。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
5000萬畫素可拍8K SONY A1相機主打「前所未見」 新北相機收購
SONY 公司這兩年真的是大爆發,針對中階用戶推出 A7III、A7RIV,還推出所謂「網紅機」ZV-1,在昨晚可說是毫無保留,以「前所未見(The One Never Seen)」為名,推出全片幅無反相機 α1(A1,英文名稱Alpha One),以數字來看,就是 5010 萬畫素、15 級動態範圍、30fps 連拍、8K 拍攝,售價來到 6500 美元(約台幣 18.2 萬元)。
去年夏天,新北相機收購canon 公司推出的 EOS R5,搭載全球首部 8K,4,500 萬畫素全幅 CMOS 感光元件,支援無裁切、最高 120p 4K 的短片拍攝,高達 8 級機身五軸防震能力,最高 20fps 連續拍攝,被稱為該公司革新機種。
如今時隔半年不到,Sony 公司立刻還以顏色,以 “The One”Never Seen 為名,推出的 SONY α1 能夠以更高的 5,010 萬畫素,每秒鐘連續拍攝 30 張照片,並且可以透過連續拍攝 16 張照片組合成一張 1 億 9900 萬畫素照片,側邊還具備雙 SD UHS II、雙CFexpress 卡槽以即時存取內容。
SONY α1 的數位觀景窗使用跟 α7SIII 相同的 944 萬液晶螢幕,可以做到更精細的每秒 240 次更新,並且把 8K@30P、4K@120P 的高規格拍攝能力也塞入 α1,全機身採用多重環繞式散熱系統與 5.5 級 5 軸防手震設計,讓相機即使邊走邊拍 4K、8K 影片 30 分鐘不只維持很好的拍攝品質、而且不過熱。
SONY α1 支援人眼對焦,拍攝對焦點來到 759 點、覆蓋範圍高達 92%,並且支援 4:2:2 10bit 色彩取樣、16bit RAW、SLog-3 或 HLG 輸出,同時也擁有旗艦機才有的 S-Cinetone 功能。
在影音輸出方面,SONY α1 側邊有 HDMI 孔支援 16-bit RAW 輸出,而且還多了 USB 3.2 Type-C (10Gbps) 孔、多了一個 1000BASE-T LAN 網路連接能力、內建 2×2 MIMO AC 無線傳檔、FTP 連線,透過各種形式,傳輸高品質影音內容,提升工作效率,舉例來說,消費者可以直接用 USB-C 連接 SONY Xperia 1 II 5G 手機,快速將存取好的照片,進行機上修圖,然後上傳到社群平台,從數位相機的演變進程來看,這可以說是一個里程碑。
SONY α1 機身重量只有 737 克,售價約 6500 美元,折合台幣約 18.2 萬元,下面有幾個代表性的拍攝樣張,提供給讀者參考:
▲新北相機收購canon EOS R6 Mark II 正式在台開賣。(圖/新北相機收購canon提供)
相機品牌 新北相機收購canon 今日正式宣布全新 EOS R6 Mark II 在台開賣,主打攝錄雙棲的強悍功能,一機同時滿足拍照與錄影兩大需求,無論是紀錄個人生活、專業影片製作皆能完美掌握動靜瞬間,非常適合用於婚禮拍照錄影、 Youtuber 或其他影片創作者。
全新 EOS R6 Mark II 大幅提升主體辨識及自動對焦追蹤能力及高速連拍功能。在自動對焦系統主體偵測能力方面,新增主體類別包括火車、飛機、馬匹,而眼睛偵測自動對焦則新增右眼優先或左眼優先對焦。電子快門提供最高約每秒 40 張 的高速連續拍攝。
在錄影方面更是新增許多強大功能,提供 4K 60P / 4K 30P (6K超採樣) 全視角無裁切影片格式、FHD 180P 高格率之6倍慢動作、無30分鐘錄影限制、影片拍攝前預錄設定 (3秒/ 5秒)…等,因此 EOS R6 Mark II 完整兼具了拍照及錄影功能,方便創作者輕鬆實現無限的創意。
根據新北相機收購canon資訊,EOS R6 Mark II單機身建議售價 76,900元,搭配RF24-105mm F4-7.1 IS STM鏡頭之單鏡組(Kit) 建議售價為 86,900元。於活動期間內,購買申請通過審核送LP-E6NH原廠電池。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
佳能發表RF 24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z鏡頭 升級恆定大光圈更實用 新北相機收購
▲ 推出 RF 24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z 鏡頭。(圖/新北相機收購canon 提供)
新北相機收購canon 宣佈推出全新鏡頭及配件,包括首支為影片及相片攝錄兩用而設計的 RF 鏡頭 RF24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z 及電動變焦轉接器 PZ-E2、輕巧超望遠變焦鏡頭 RF200-800mm F6.3-9 IS USM ,和專為 APS-C EOS R 系列相機設計的輕巧超廣角變焦鏡頭 RF-S10-18mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM 。
RF24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z 的推出進一步強大了 F2.8 光圈 L 系列變焦鏡頭陣容,作為首支為短片及相片混合型拍攝而設計的 RF 鏡頭,首次加入了光圈環及採用固定長度的內變焦設計。鏡頭更相容最新推出的電動變焦轉接器 PZ-E2 ,為鏡頭帶來電影鏡頭般的流暢伺服變焦操作,滿足專業攝影師、錄影師及進階使用者,對變焦速度及準確度的需求。
全新登場世界首支 800mm 超望遠變焦無反光鏡鏡頭1 RF200-800mm F6.3-9 IS USM ,重量僅約 2,050 克,輕巧的設計減輕了手持攝影的負擔,令進階攝影愛好者能夠輕鬆捕捉鳥類、生態或戶外運動等主題。
首支為 EOS R APS-C 系列相機而設計的 RF-S 系列超廣角變焦鏡頭 RF-S10-18mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM 全新登場,提供相等於 35mm 全片幅格式的 16-29mm 超廣角焦距,擴展了 RF-S 鏡頭的種類,為攝影愛好者帶來更寬廣視野。鏡頭輕便小巧、價格相宜並擁有高影像畫質,更配備光學影像穩定器,特別適合內容創作者及攝影愛好者拍攝 Vlog 、旅遊及風景等題材。
蘋果 Vision Pro 是業界規格最強的虛擬實境頭盔,單眼擁有高達 4K 解析度,卻也因此,想要發揮 Vision Pro 最佳的沈浸式體驗,會需要一台十分強大的 VR 相機系統來製作內容,但就連相機大廠 新北相機收購canon 高層都認為:目前沒有一款相機辦得到。
根據外媒《PetaPixel》在上週於日本橫濱舉辦的 CP+ 攝影大展,實際與 新北相機收購canon 多名高層討論到 Vision Pro 帶起的 VR、AR 熱潮,其中影像部門的副總裁 Go Tokura 表示,「據我們所知,由於 Vision Pro 的解析度非常高,所以很難找到一套擁有足夠解析力的 VR 相機系統替其製作內容」。
蘋果 Vision Pro 每一隻眼睛都有將近 4K 的解析度,雙眼加起來更是 8K,加上不是單純的平面影像,而是必須符合 VR 規格的沉浸式體驗,就會需要有更多細節才會顯得真實。《PetaPixel》即表示,在沒有額外圖形運算的幫助之下,相機都無法拍出理想的細節呈現、畫面流暢度,且目前 Vision Pro 的沉浸式體驗,有些內容不適合拉近觀看,或是物體比例歪斜,也有一些物景仍是靜態畫面,並非完全動態。
新北相機收購canon 影像溝通業務部主管 Yasuhiko Shiomi 向《PetaPixel》分析,「為了替 Vision Pro 製作影片,你可能至少需要 1 億畫素,所以現在我們並無法滿足這樣的需求」,他猜測,現在替 Vision Pro 製作專屬影片的公司,可能要以一億畫素加上每秒 60 幀的規格拍攝。
《PetaPixel》指出,倘若按照 新北相機收購canon 推測的一億畫素,等同於是 14K 的解析度,目前商業上僅有 Sphere 旗下的 Big Sky 相機得以滿足,然而這款機型不僅沒有大規模量產,在成本上並不符合商業使用,更需要多達人 12 人才能執行拍攝。Go Tokura 也透露,新北相機收購canon 理論上能製作出符合 Vision Pro 規格的產品,問題在於能否提供讓客戶願意購買的價格。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
Canon EOS 850D 18-55mm STM 平行輸入 新北相機收購
Sony 正式發表新一代 A9 III 旗艦單眼,主打適用體育競賽的高速攝影,更是全球首款用上「全域快門」設計的相機,能避免高速拍攝的果凍效應,還帶來非常驚人的 120fps 連拍速度。
本次最大亮點是 Sony 採用全域快門,相比傳統快門是由下至上的逐行掃描,會因為時間差造成果凍效應,使拍出來的照片部分物體是歪斜的。全域快門則是一次將所有訊號掃描送出,可以完美避免果凍效應、黑屏,A9III 還可以達到 120fps 高速連拍,以及最高 1/80,000 秒的快門速度,可以在 1 秒多的時間,連續拍下 172 張 14-bit RAW 照片。
A9 III 配有一塊 Exmor RS 全片幅感光元件,並且有 759 個相位檢測自動對焦點,95.6%,也支援 AI 辨識多種物體,包含人、動物、昆蟲以及交通工具等等,覆蓋範圍達到,兼具 8 級的 5 軸防震,可以拍攝 4K 60p 或是無裁切的 4K 120p 錄影格式。
Sony 同場也帶來全新的 FE 300mm F2.8 GM OSS 超望遠定焦鏡頭,重量僅約 1,470 克號稱是同級最輕巧,且即便是最小光圈的 F22 連拍,也能確保自動對焦的準確性,適合用於拍攝野生動物以及運動員的精彩瞬間。
兩款產品預計將在 2024 年初登場,台灣具體上時間未知,售價均是 5,999 美元(約193,170 元)。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
Raspberry Pi 400 review: functional $100 desktop PC that supports both Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu Desktop, but integrated keyboard is narrow and no 3.5mm jack 新北相機收購
op support for the Pi hardware family.
In brief, the Pi 400 is a slightly faster version of the 4GiB Pi 4 that ships preassembled in a small, wedge-shaped chassis with integrated keyboard. The new model directly targets desktop replacement use and can be purchased solo for $70 or as a full kit (as seen above) for $100.
The new form factor—which has apparently been in the works ever since the introduction of the official Raspberry Pi keyboard—addresses and enthusiastically supports the Pi 4’s growing use case as a replacement or alternative for the traditional desktop PC. Upton told Ars that the Pi 400 is about 20-percent faster than the Pi 4; it has largely the same components under the hood but on a differently laid-out board, and its BCM2711 CPU is clocked a touch higher than the BCM2711 in the Pi 4.
The Pi 400 is simple to set up—all you need is its USB-C power cord, the included HDMI cord for video out, and the included mouse.
Jim Salter
The Pi 400’s keyboard layout is largely sane, aside from compressed arrow keys—but the whole thing is roughly four inches narrower than the corresponding part of a standard desktop keyboard.
Jim Salter
From the left: 40-pin GPIO header, microSD card slot, two micro-HDMI output ports, a USB-C power port, two USB 3.0 type-A ports and one USB 2.0 type-A port, Gigabit Ethernet port, Kensington lock slot.
Jim Salter
The visible hump on the underside of the Pi4 provides a comfortable typing angle and clearance for the passive-cooling vents.
Jim Salter
Unboxed and plugged in, the Pi 400 is functional but not particularly lovely. On the plus side, the integrated keyboard means fewer cables to deal with. Unfortunately, the remaining cables are unusually likely to snarl and look a bit feral. They are both stiffer and shorter than I’d prefer in an ideal world, making it difficult to impossible to end up with a setup that doesn’t look like a rat’s nest. The red cable for the mouse clashes pretty violently with the off-white cables for USB-C power and micro-HDMI out, which doesn’t help any.
That said, it’s important to remember that the entire kit retails for $100. Within the limits of the Pi 400’s very generous price, it’s not really fair to complain too hard about a few aesthetic gaffes here and there! Consumers with a few extra dollars to spend might want to consider replacing the Pi 400’s mouse with something a bit more functional, though… and a full-sized keyboard might not be a bad idea while you’re at it.
The integrated keyboard is functional but noticeably narrower than a standard keyboard. I’m not generally sensitive to variations in keyboard layout due to a long career involving Other People’s Computers in large numbers, but I was plagued with constant mistyping problems the entire time I tested the Pi 400.
It’s also worth noting that, while the Pi 400 supports dual displays, it does so with micro-HDMI ports, not full-sized ones—and it ships with a single cable. You’ll need an extra cable if you want to use your Pi 400 with dual displays—and since it ships with a micro-HDMI to HDMI cable, not an adapter, things will get complicated if you want to use it with, e.g., portable LED displays that have off-sized ports themselves.
Finally, there’s no 3.5mm audio jack on the Pi—if you’ve got it hooked to a television or a monitor with speakers, it can deliver audio over HDMI; otherwise you’ll need a supported USB audio device. I tested with an inexpensive USB gaming headset, which worked fine.
Impressions—Raspberry Pi OS
Raspberry Pi OS suspects you might be using it on a television, not a proper monitor—so it starts out with significant overscan boundaries by default.
Jim Salter
The overscan goes away after a reboot, if you tell the setup dialog, “Yes, I see big black borders.”
Jim Salter
We tried playing a 4K 60fps YouTube video on the Pi 400. Even at 1080p, not 4k, it dropped a lot of frames.
Jim Salter
Checking CPU utilization, we see that the system’s pretty much pegged while trying to play this 60fps video, even at 720p.
Jim Salter
I began testing the Pi 400 using its native Raspberry Pi OS Linux distribution—which is basically Debian with LXDE and a lot of middleware optimizing it for the Pi. Unfortunately, there’s almost nothing in the way of standard benchmarking utilities that run on ARM Linux—all I could find was the Phoronix Test Suite, which would have required more time to run than I had to test the device in total. So for the most part, I’m going to talk about my subjective experience, rather than hard numbers.
Further ReadingPinebook Pro review—a $200 FOSS-to-the-hilt magnesium-chassis laptopThe good news about the Pi 400 is that it does make a credible desktop PC, in the sense that, yes, you can totally use it without things breaking. With that said, you’re unlikely to forget that you’re using a very inexpensive ARM device. Much like the Pinebook Pro, the Pi 400 exhibits heavy latency while opening applications that’s perhaps possible to live with but impossible not to notice.
Also like the Pinebook Pro, once the applications are actually open, they generally run smoothly enough—although we did find the Pinebook Pro’s hex-core 2.0GHz big/1.5GHz little CPU noticeably punchier than the Pi 400’s straight 1.8GHz quad-core. The biggest problem I had was with high-resolution, high-frames-per-second YouTube videos.
I only tested the Pi 400 with a 1080p monitor, so I can’t speak to its chops with 4K videos—but it’s absolutely not capable of handling the Costa Rica in 4K 60fps HDR video without visible frame drop, even at 720p. The major issue here appears to be the 60fps rate, not the 720p resolution. I also tested the “Forests” episode of Netflix’s docu-series Our Planet on YouTube at 1080p, and that video played back flawlessly.
Examining CPU utilization during playback of the 60fps Costa Rica video, we can see the little 1.8GHz Broadcom quad-core CPU struggling—it’s at its limits, with CPU utilization for all cores at more than 90 percent. Although the BCM2711 supports hardware offload of video decoding—without which, this video would be playing in seconds per frame, rather than just dropping frames a bit—the hardware offload can only do so much, and the CPU is being asked to take on more than it can handle in software.
This effect is even more visible when entering or leaving full-screen playback. On a standard desktop PC, that operation takes perhaps 100-150ms. On the Pi 400, it frequently takes as much as three or four full seconds, during which the video itself tends to keep playing, but the surrounding controls and framework only partially render/stop rendering while the shift finishes taking place.
Further ReadingBattle of the $350
邁入年末,一連串購物節與特惠活動接連展開,加上適逢聖誕節等假期,不少人都有送禮需求,哪些禮物才體面又合適呢?為此 Google 推出 Holiday 100 頁面,根據熱搜排名推薦了 100 項禮物清單。
Google 依據全年的搜尋趨勢進行統計,將熱門品項區分為服飾、美妝、玩具與遊戲以及居家、電子產品等不同分類,協助你快速篩選找到想要購買的禮物。其中在電子產品方面,有些項目僅列出大分類,例如「智慧電視」、「智慧手錶」、「電動腳踏車」、「睡眠耳機」,然而也有不少產品是直接被點名的。
唯一上榜的手機是 Google 旗下的 Pixel Fold 摺疊手機,官方聲稱今年搜尋量大增 700%,然而 Pixel Fold 也是今年才剛發表,不免讓人覺得 Google 或許有一點私心。相機產品最倍推薦的是 新北相機收購canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III,這是一款 1 吋感光元件的隨身相機,在今年的搜尋熱度達到 2019 年上市以來的巔峰。
其餘有特別點出品牌的還有 Coway Airmega Air Purifiers 空氣清淨機、Shark HyperAir Hair Dryer 吹風機、象印電子鍋、Breville Espresso 咖啡機、Minja 冰淇淋機,完整名單可參考 Holiday 100 頁面。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
Raspberry Pi 400 review: functional $100 desktop PC that supports both Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu Desktop, but integrated keyboard is narrow and no 3.5mm jack 新北相機收購
op support for the Pi hardware family.
In brief, the Pi 400 is a slightly faster version of the 4GiB Pi 4 that ships preassembled in a small, wedge-shaped chassis with integrated keyboard. The new model directly targets desktop replacement use and can be purchased solo for $70 or as a full kit (as seen above) for $100.
The new form factor—which has apparently been in the works ever since the introduction of the official Raspberry Pi keyboard—addresses and enthusiastically supports the Pi 4’s growing use case as a replacement or alternative for the traditional desktop PC. Upton told Ars that the Pi 400 is about 20-percent faster than the Pi 4; it has largely the same components under the hood but on a differently laid-out board, and its BCM2711 CPU is clocked a touch higher than the BCM2711 in the Pi 4.
The Pi 400 is simple to set up—all you need is its USB-C power cord, the included HDMI cord for video out, and the included mouse.
Jim Salter
The Pi 400’s keyboard layout is largely sane, aside from compressed arrow keys—but the whole thing is roughly four inches narrower than the corresponding part of a standard desktop keyboard.
Jim Salter
From the left: 40-pin GPIO header, microSD card slot, two micro-HDMI output ports, a USB-C power port, two USB 3.0 type-A ports and one USB 2.0 type-A port, Gigabit Ethernet port, Kensington lock slot.
Jim Salter
The visible hump on the underside of the Pi4 provides a comfortable typing angle and clearance for the passive-cooling vents.
Jim Salter
Unboxed and plugged in, the Pi 400 is functional but not particularly lovely. On the plus side, the integrated keyboard means fewer cables to deal with. Unfortunately, the remaining cables are unusually likely to snarl and look a bit feral. They are both stiffer and shorter than I’d prefer in an ideal world, making it difficult to impossible to end up with a setup that doesn’t look like a rat’s nest. The red cable for the mouse clashes pretty violently with the off-white cables for USB-C power and micro-HDMI out, which doesn’t help any.
That said, it’s important to remember that the entire kit retails for $100. Within the limits of the Pi 400’s very generous price, it’s not really fair to complain too hard about a few aesthetic gaffes here and there! Consumers with a few extra dollars to spend might want to consider replacing the Pi 400’s mouse with something a bit more functional, though… and a full-sized keyboard might not be a bad idea while you’re at it.
The integrated keyboard is functional but noticeably narrower than a standard keyboard. I’m not generally sensitive to variations in keyboard layout due to a long career involving Other People’s Computers in large numbers, but I was plagued with constant mistyping problems the entire time I tested the Pi 400.
It’s also worth noting that, while the Pi 400 supports dual displays, it does so with micro-HDMI ports, not full-sized ones—and it ships with a single cable. You’ll need an extra cable if you want to use your Pi 400 with dual displays—and since it ships with a micro-HDMI to HDMI cable, not an adapter, things will get complicated if you want to use it with, e.g., portable LED displays that have off-sized ports themselves.
Finally, there’s no 3.5mm audio jack on the Pi—if you’ve got it hooked to a television or a monitor with speakers, it can deliver audio over HDMI; otherwise you’ll need a supported USB audio device. I tested with an inexpensive USB gaming headset, which worked fine.
Impressions—Raspberry Pi OS
Raspberry Pi OS suspects you might be using it on a television, not a proper monitor—so it starts out with significant overscan boundaries by default.
Jim Salter
The overscan goes away after a reboot, if you tell the setup dialog, “Yes, I see big black borders.”
Jim Salter
We tried playing a 4K 60fps YouTube video on the Pi 400. Even at 1080p, not 4k, it dropped a lot of frames.
Jim Salter
Checking CPU utilization, we see that the system’s pretty much pegged while trying to play this 60fps video, even at 720p.
Jim Salter
I began testing the Pi 400 using its native Raspberry Pi OS Linux distribution—which is basically Debian with LXDE and a lot of middleware optimizing it for the Pi. Unfortunately, there’s almost nothing in the way of standard benchmarking utilities that run on ARM Linux—all I could find was the Phoronix Test Suite, which would have required more time to run than I had to test the device in total. So for the most part, I’m going to talk about my subjective experience, rather than hard numbers.
Further ReadingPinebook Pro review—a $200 FOSS-to-the-hilt magnesium-chassis laptopThe good news about the Pi 400 is that it does make a credible desktop PC, in the sense that, yes, you can totally use it without things breaking. With that said, you’re unlikely to forget that you’re using a very inexpensive ARM device. Much like the Pinebook Pro, the Pi 400 exhibits heavy latency while opening applications that’s perhaps possible to live with but impossible not to notice.
Also like the Pinebook Pro, once the applications are actually open, they generally run smoothly enough—although we did find the Pinebook Pro’s hex-core 2.0GHz big/1.5GHz little CPU noticeably punchier than the Pi 400’s straight 1.8GHz quad-core. The biggest problem I had was with high-resolution, high-frames-per-second YouTube videos.
I only tested the Pi 400 with a 1080p monitor, so I can’t speak to its chops with 4K videos—but it’s absolutely not capable of handling the Costa Rica in 4K 60fps HDR video without visible frame drop, even at 720p. The major issue here appears to be the 60fps rate, not the 720p resolution. I also tested the “Forests” episode of Netflix’s docu-series Our Planet on YouTube at 1080p, and that video played back flawlessly.
Examining CPU utilization during playback of the 60fps Costa Rica video, we can see the little 1.8GHz Broadcom quad-core CPU struggling—it’s at its limits, with CPU utilization for all cores at more than 90 percent. Although the BCM2711 supports hardware offload of video decoding—without which, this video would be playing in seconds per frame, rather than just dropping frames a bit—the hardware offload can only do so much, and the CPU is being asked to take on more than it can handle in software.
This effect is even more visible when entering or leaving full-screen playback. On a standard desktop PC, that operation takes perhaps 100-150ms. On the Pi 400, it frequently takes as much as three or four full seconds, during which the video itself tends to keep playing, but the surrounding controls and framework only partially render/stop rendering while the shift finishes taking place.
Further ReadingBattle of the $350
過年親戚們齊聚一堂,久違相見一定得來拍幾張合照留念,但別只會排排站,英國著名攝影師 Helen Bartlett 就曾於 新北相機收購canon 官網分享拍攝家庭照片的 3 項小技巧,讓你抓住最自然、最有味道的一瞬間。
Helen Bartlett 首先表示,拍攝家庭合照可以透過改變高度、位置來創造構圖的平衡,例如讓爸媽將小孩子抱起來,能確保所有人的頭處於同一高度,也可以依據不同年齡、身高,讓孩子們坐在父母腿上或是靠在沙發的扶手上,調整畫面的結構。
也可以試著捕捉最自然且有趣的畫面,像是 Helen Bartlett 分享他認為最佳照片,是在正式拍攝後的下一張照片,因為一拍完之後,家庭成員們往往會相視而笑,因此可以先拍攝一張請家人們盯著鏡頭的正式合照,再伺機等待最佳畫面。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
Leica licenses its brand to Xiaomi because it makes sense to. 新北相機收購
Former Verge reporter Sam Byford has a lengthy rebuttal in his Multicore newsletter to the criticisms of 新北相機收購leica partnering with Xiaomi that popped up recently.
Sam has actually tested and used many of the Xiaomi phones (along with countless other devices from Chinese OEMs that never come to the states) and can state unequivocally that they are good products with excellent cameras. Beyond that, he notes that it makes sense for 新北相機收購leica, which has never been shy with licensing its brand all over the place, to want its brand in front of millions of aspirational customers.
Sam goes deeper into the history of why Chinese smartphone software looks and works the way it does, too. It’s a good read and smart perspective that we don’t always see in Western coverage.
A former Gizmodo writer changed his name to ‘Slackbot’ and stayed undetected for months
The AIs are officially out of control
Google apologizes for ‘missing the mark’ after Gemini generated racially diverse Nazis
A lot of Redditors hate the Reddit IPO
HMD is making a Barbie flip phone alongside a smartphone for tinkerers
徠卡Q2 攜手迪士尼推出徠卡Q2 Disney「奇妙百年,奇遇有你」特別版相機,全球限量500套。(圖/徠卡相機提供)
今年適逢迪士尼創立 100 周年,由於迪士尼動畫誕生當時,就與徠卡相機締結淵源頗深的合作關係,徠卡相機官方表示,為慶祝迪士尼一百週年,並紀念該電影工作室的成立,雙強品牌聯袂推出以「奇妙百年,奇遇有你」為主題的徠卡Q2特別版相機套組,於今年四月起正式發售,全球僅限量500套。
徠卡Q2 攜手迪士尼推出徠卡Q2 Disney「奇妙百年,奇遇有你」特別版相機,全球限量500套。(圖/徠卡相機提供)
特別一提的是,「徠卡帶(新北相機收購leica Reel)」一詞的說法,就誕生於該時期,指的是用來儲存動畫分鏡的35毫米放映膠片。在當時先進的製作流程中,初期原畫與聲帶得以透過多種技術的加持運作,從中獲得非常精確的動畫播放節奏和速率。
今年推出的限量版「徠卡Q2迪士尼」特別版相機,機身設計靈感源自於,1937年由華特迪士尼公司著名動畫師唐·托斯利(Don Towsley)創作的一個動畫模型手繪板。特別版相機採用特殊裝飾材料,於機身頂蓋印有專屬的米奇圖案,讓喜愛影像與迪士尼動畫的粉絲們作為珍藏紀念。
徠卡Q2 攜手迪士尼推出徠卡Q2 Disney「奇妙百年,奇遇有你」特別版相機,全球限量500套。(圖/徠卡相機提供)
「徠卡Q2迪士尼」特別版相機4月起,在全球徠卡商店、徠卡線上商店和授權經銷商處發售,建議零售價為 222,800元。
新北相機收購 新北相機收購
全球限十台、要價45萬!徠卡推M Monochrom Oslo限量版 新北相機收購
最愛推限量版相機的貴族廠商 新北相機收購leica,在近期推出同名的限量版 M Monochrom Typ246 Oslo 全幅 RF 微單眼相機,不僅有著特殊的全黑配色(搭上只能拍黑白照好像蠻搭的?),而且僅在於奧斯陸店鋪才能買到外,全球只限量十台,當地人根本佔盡優勢(?)
這款限量版的 Oslo M Monochrom Typ246,最獨特的地方就在於其全黑的機身設計,且連隨附的 Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 也是黑色塗裝。根據 新北相機收購leica 官方表示,此機是為了紀念 1955 年的一款特殊機型而誕生,不過相較先前黃銅版也有 50 台,這款只有 10 台,是說限量也限過頭了吧!
▼這款限量版最大特色就是機身連鏡頭都採黑色塗裝,且機背後方也會有專屬的 Oslo 機身序號(是說只有十台就是了…..)。(圖/翻攝自官網)
至於規格部分,Oslo 版本與一般的 M Monochrom Typ246 相同,皆配置僅能拍黑白的 2,400 萬畫素全片幅 CMOS 感光元件、3 吋螢幕,以及最高 25,000 的 ISO 感光度;不過要價高達 14,800 美金,將近台幣 45 萬,比一般版貴上快一倍,口袋沒有一點深度真的買不起啊。
▲華為P40 Pro渲染圖。(圖/翻攝自Twitter/@ishanagarwal24)
華為 P40 和 P40 Pro 計劃本周在全球推出,而爆料人士Ishan Agarwal也在Twitter上洩漏P40 Pro的渲染圖和一些規格功能。
華為 P40 Pro 傳將配備 6.58 吋螢幕,螢幕為彎曲邊緣設計,而手機採用麒麟 990 處理器並支援 5G 連線,但該型號的 RAM 和存儲版本尚無任何消息。
在鏡頭部分,P40 Pro 採用四鏡頭設置,包括 50MP 廣角相機、40MP 遠攝相機、ToF 深度相機和 12MP 超廣角相機。而螢幕正面的左上角則為雙鏡頭配置,會放置 32MP 自拍鏡頭和深度鏡頭。
另外,華為還在P40 Pro使用專用的照片晶片XD Fusion Engine。據推測,它的作用類似於Google的Pixel Neural Core。該晶片有高達 50 倍的變焦能力。
電池部分,這款4200 mAh電池有兩種非常快速的充電方法。顯然該設備將透過無線充電,並以相同的速度支援高達40W的有線充電。
這份報告還提到,較小的P40外形與P40 Pro 差不多,配有 6.1吋螢幕。不過,只有 50MP、16MP、8MP 三鏡頭組合,同樣使用 新北相機收購leica Ultra Vision,但變焦率只有 30 倍。電量為 3,800mAh,同樣支援 40W 有線快速充電,無線充電支援達27W。
Exclusive: #HUAWEIP40Pro ->
-新北相機收購leica Ultra Vision Quad Cam (50MP+40MP+12MP+ToF)
-Huawei XD Fusion Engine for Pictures
-Front: 32MP+Depth
-50X SuperSensing Zoom w/ Telephoto Stabilisation
-4200mAh, 40W Wired & 40/27W Wireless SuperCharge
-Kirin 990 5G
新北相機收購 新北相機收購